Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures with examples?


Sr.no.Homogenous mixtureHeterogenous mixture
1.A homogenous mixture is that mixture in which the components mix with each other and its composition is uniform throughout the solution.A heterogenous mixture is that mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout and different components are observed.
2.Components of homogeneous mixture cannot be seen through naked eyes.Components of heterogeneous mixtures can be seen through naked eyes.
3.In this mixture the component sizes are atomic/molecular level.Here, in this mixture, the size of particles are large.
4.Components of homogeneous mixture cannot be separated easily.Components of heterogeneous mixture can be separated easily.
5.The constituent particles in a homogeneous mixture possess the same physical properties.The constituent particles in heterogeneous mixture possess different physical properties.
6.Example: salt solution, sugar solution, air, etc.Example: mixture of salt and sugar, grains and pulses along with some dirt particles (often stone pieces) etc.


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