What are the most common used pressure safety/relief valve standards in the world?
Here are the standards for pressure safety/relief valve against the country name. Widely used standards are highlighted in blue font. Country Standard No. Description Germany A. D. Merkblatt A2 Pressure Vessel Equipment safety devices against excess pressure - safety valves TRD 421 Technical Equipment for Steam Boilers Safeguards against excessive pressure - safety valves for boilers of groups I, III & IV TRD 721 Technical Equipment for Steam Boilers Safeguards against excessive pressure- safety valves for steam boilers group II United Kingdom, UK BS 6759 Part 1 specification for safety valves for steam and hot water Part 2 specification for safety valves for compressed air and inert gas Part 3 specification for safety valves for process fluids France AFNOR NFE-E 29-411 to 416 Safety and relief valves NFE-E-29-421 Safety and relief valves Korea KS B 6216 Spring loaded safety valves for steam boilers and pressure vessels Japan JIS B 8210 Steam boilers and pressure ve...